SnowyEgret-s.jpg (11937 bytes)

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37¢ Snowy Egret
(Avery Dennison)
Self-Adhesive Coil of 100
Scott # 3829 Plate # V1111, V2111, V2121, V3211, V3212, V3221, V3222
Scott # 3829(a or A?) Plate # V2111, Black Ink Omitted
Series Definitive (USPS) / (Flora and Fauna - PNC3)
Issue Date & City October 24, 2003 / New York, NY 10199
Nationwide Sale October 25, 2003
Artist Nancy Stahl, New York, NY
Designer Carl T. Hermann, Carlsbad, CA
Art Director Carl T. Hermann, Carlsbad, CA
Typographer Carl T. Hermann, Carlsbad, CA
Modeler Avery Dennison, SPD
To Press / Initial Impressions Summer 2003 / 2 billion stamps
Coil Size 100
Printer Avery Dennison, SPD
Press Dia Nippon Kiko
Process Gravure
Where Printed AVR, Clinton, S.C.
Where Processed AVR, Clinton, S.C.
Plate Size & Interval 396 stamps per revolution / plate # every 11 stamps
Paper & Gum Prephosphored, USPS Type I, Surface Coated, Self-Adhesive
Tagging Type Prephosphored, Smooth Tagging
Die Cut Gauge 8.5 Vertically, Peak/Valley 10 x 10, Valley/Peak 10 x 10
Colors Egret Yellow, Egret Light Blue, Egret Dark Blue, Black
Image Area (w x h): 0.720 x 0.818 in. / 18.288 x 20.777 mm
Overall Size (w x h): 0.86932 x 0.982 in. / 22.081 x 24.943 mm
Back Numbers None
Earliest Known Use October 24, 2003
USPS Order Numbers 782240 - PSA Coil of 100 - $37.00
782261 - First Day Cover - $0.75
Availability Stamp Fulfillment Services, Kansas City
Official Announcement The Postal Service will issue a 37-cent Snowy Egret definitive stamp on October 24, 2003, in New York, New York. The stamp, designed by Carl T. Hermann, Carlsbad, California, goes on sale nationwide October 25, 2003.

The stamp will be issued in a pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) coil of 100 stamps (Item 782200).

Considered one of the most beautiful American birds, the snowy egret (Egretta thula) is a slender white heron with black legs and bright yellow feet. This bird lives in marshes, swamps, and other wetlands. When flying or searching for food, it can curve its long neck into a compact "S" shape. The stamp features artist Nancy Stahl's rendering of a snowy egret. Based on photographs, the image depicts the head and upper body of a snowy egret against a blue background.

Varieties Die cuts are either Peak/Valley (P/V) or Valley/Peak (V/P). Click here for scans, including Misplaced Diecuts.
Note V3222 was found in late January, 2004. V3212 found in late July, 2004. V3211 was found in February, 2005. V3222 was reported the first week of April, 2005 with a 9 digit 'control' number on the reverse.  V3221 was found in a mixture the middle of April, 2005. Plate V2121 was found in a mixture in the middle of July, 2005.

Distribution: Item 782200, Snowy Egret PSA Coil of 100

Stamps Stamp distribution offices (SDOs) will receive an automatic distribution of the Snowy Egret PSA coil of 100. After the initial distribution, additional automatic shipments of Item 782200 will follow quarterly. Distributions are rounded up to the nearest master carton size (800 coils).

Initial Supply to Post Offices

SDOs will not make a subsequent automatic distribution to Post Offices. Post Offices requiring quantities of Item 782200 must order them from their designated SDO using a separate PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition/Stamp Return. SDOs must not distribute these coils to Post Offices before October 17, 2003.

Philatelic Requirement

Authorized philatelic centers requiring the Snowy Egret PSA coil of 100 must order Item 782200 from their designated SDO using a separate PS Form 17.

Additional Supply

Post Offices requiring additional coils must requisition them from their designated SDO using PS Form 17. SDOs requiring additional coils must order them from the appropriate accountable paper depository (APD) using PS Form 17. For fulfilling supplemental orders from SDOs, the Memphis, Chicago, and New York APDs will each receive 86,400 additional coils; the San Francisco APD will receive 72,000 additional coils; and the Denver APD will receive 43,200 additional coils.

Philatelic Products

There are no philatelic products for this stamp issue.


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This page was last updated on 07/02/13