Self-Adhesive Coil of 3000 and 10,000

with rounded corners
Scott# 3466 Plate 1111, 2222
Series Definitive
Issue Date & City January 7, 2001 / Washington, DC 20066
Nationwide Sale January 8, 2001
Photographer Paul Hardy, New York, NY
Designer Dennis Noyes, Washington, DC
Art Director Dennis Noyes, Washington, DC
Typographer Dennis Noyes, Washington, DC
Modeler Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP), Washington, DC
To Press / Initial Run Summer/Fall 2000 / 120 million
Coil Size 3000 and 10,000
Printer Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP)
Press Andreotti, Model 601
Process Gravure
Where Printed Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington, DC
Where Processed Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington, DC
Plate Size & Interval 378 stamps per revolution / plate # every 21 stamps
Paper & Gum Prephosphored, USPS Type I / Self-Adhesive
Tagging Type Prephosphored, Smooth Tagging
Die Cut Gauge 9.8 Vertically, Peak/Valley 10 x 10
Colors Magenta, Cyan, Yellow, Black
Image Area 0.71 x 0.82 in. / 18.0 x 20.8 mm
Overall Size 0.87 x 0.96 in. / 22.1 x 24.4 mm
Back Numbers 4 Blue Digits, Top or Bottom, Every 20 Stamps
Earliest Known Use January 7, 2001
USPS Order Numbers S/A Coil of 3000 - $1020.00 - 771640 / S/A Coil of 10,000 - $3400.00 - 771540
Strip of 25 with plate # from 30000 - $8.50 - 771630 / from 10,000 - $8.50 - 771530
Strip of 5 from 3000 - $1.70 - 771620 / from 10,000 - $1.70 - 771520
First Day Cover from 3000 - $.55 - 771661 / from 10,000 - $.55 - 771561
Availability Stamp Fulfillment Services, Kansas City, KS
(3000) (3/24/01) Providence, RI - Top (Even) 420 for a # on # hit.
(10,000) (2-19-01) Plate 2222, Providence, RI - Top or Bottom 420 for a # on # hit.
Notes Corners are rounded. Apparently no difference between coils of 3000 & 10,000.
Coil of 3000, plate 1111 / Coil of 10,000, plate 1111, 2222
Official Announcement The Statue of Liberty, a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States, has become a symbol of freedom and democracy. Located in New York Harbor, the statue was dedicated on October 28, 1886, and designated a National Monument on October 15, 1924. This stamp was issued in several nondenominated formats in December 2000.

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Updated - 3 October 2008