Welcome to the OFFICIAL home of the The Plate Number Coil Collectors Club (PNC3). We're glad you decided to seek us out and invite you to join us online, in person at shows and as a member. Information on the club's structure, dues and benefits can be obtained from the menu at the left.

Please bookmark this page and check back often for the latest Plate Number Coil news and more information about PNCs and our club. We hope that the information provided herein will help in your enjoyment of the hobby.

Vacant - Web Master Vacant - Content Manager

Plate Number Coil News


1/26/25 - The February, 2025 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.


12/23/24 - The January, 2025 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.


11/25/24 - The December, 2024 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

This month's issue again includes the annual membership renewal form and instructions. 2025 dues are payable by the end of 2024 and can be paid either by check or PayPal. Please renew early.


10/25/24 - The November, 2024 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

This month's issue includes the annual membership renewal form and instructions. 2025 dues are payable by the end of 2024 and can be paid either by check or PayPal. Please renew early.


9/25/24 - The October, 2024 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

AUGUST, 2024

8/24/24 - The September, 2024 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

8/13/24 - The Plate Number Coil Collectors Club will have a booth at the upcoming Great American Stamp Show, August 15-18 in Hartford CT. Several club officers and other members will be in attendance. Stop by Booth #238 to say hello and talk PNCs if you plan to be at the show. There will also be a general membership meeting of the club at 3:00 PM on Saturday, August 17 in meeting room 27. All are welcome.

8/13/24 - The PNC3 Catalog Committee has updated their list of available items and prices. The order form is available HERE, or from the main menu by selecting PNC3 Items for Sale, then PNC3 Loose Leaf Catalog Publications. All of these publications are now available to both members and non-members.

JULY, 2024

7/25/24 - The August, 2024 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. This month's Coil Line includes a consignment sheet for the fall club auction #71. Consignments are due to the auctioneer by September 1.

JUNE, 2024

6/25/24 - The July, 2024 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

MAY, 2024

5/25/24 - The June, 2024 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

5/3/24 - The May, 2024 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

MARCH, 2024

3/26/24 - The April, 2024 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.


2/20/24 - The March, 2024 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

2/13/24 - The club held a general membership meeting on Saturday, February 10, via Zoom with over 30 members present at the peak of attendance. Presentations were made by Vince Jones (announced new coil issues for 2024), Tom McFarland (upcoming election, website status), Robert Thompson (latest information on counterfeits), members of the Catalog Committee (electronic distribution of publications, Values List in Scott number order, back number Values List), and John Himes (frequent questions from collectors).

If you missed the meeting, a recorded video is available to watch below. You must be a member and logged in to view the video.


1/23/24 - The February, 2024 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

1/13/24 - The PNC3 Spring Auction, #70, will be held in April of this year. The consignment page was inadvertently omitted from the January, 2024 issue of Coil Line. Members who wish to consign items to the auction can access the consignment sheet HERE. The sheet can also be accessed from the menu via PNC3 MEMBERSHIP/PNC3 CLUB AUCTIONS/AUCTION LOT CONSIGNMENT PAGE. The consignment deadline is February 24. Auction participation is limited to club members.


12/24/23 - The January, 2024 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.


11/28/23 - The December, 2023 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.


10/25/23 - The November, 2023 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.


9/27/23 - The October, 2023 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

AUGUST, 2023

8/25/23 - The September, 2023 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

JULY, 2023

7/27/23 - The August, 2023 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

JUNE, 2023

6/28/23 - The July, 2023 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line, by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

MAY, 2023

5/25/23 - The June, 2023 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line, by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

5/11/23 - The club held a general membership meeting on Saturday, May 6, via Zoom with over 25 members present at the peak of attendance. Presentations were made by Frank Covey (new coil issues for 2023), Mel Borofsky (club treasurer), Vince Jones (club financial audit), members of the Catalog Committee (electronic distribution of publications), and John Himes (frequent questions from collectors).

If you missed the meeting, a recorded video is available to watch below. You must be a member and logged in to view the video.

APRIL, 2023

4/30/23 - The May, 2023 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line, by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

MARCH, 2023

3/25/23 - The April, 2023 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line, by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

3/18/23 - Save the Date - Virtual Club Meeting Saturday, May 6, 2023

Recently the PNC3 Board got together and decided it's time to have another virtual club meeting via Zoom. Just about anyone with a computer, tablet, or smart phone can participate. It will give us an opportunity to meet face-to-face, hear some interesting presentations, and talk about what's been happening in the PNC world. For those without one of the devices mentioned above, you can also join by telephone although, obviously, without the visual portion of the meeting.

During the meeting, we intend to have a short agenda, talking about recent topics of interest in the PNC community. We will then have an extended question and answer session to answer any questions that might be on the minds of our members. Most of the Board Members plan to attend, and we also invite our dealer members (with their vast store of knowledge) to participate, as well.

The meeting will be hosted on Zoom by PNC3 At-Large Board Member Vince Jones and will commence at 4:00 PM EDT (1:00 PM PDT). Please mark your calendar now as a reminder of the meeting date and time. A couple of days prior to the meeting, all members with known e-mail addresses will receive an invitation to the meeting. If, for some reason, you do not get the information via e-mail, please contact Vince Jones and he will get you what you need. Contact information for Vince can be found on the Officers Page.

Keep in mind that, although using Zoom is free, local data charges may apply.

This virtual meeting is for members only.

3/12/23 - The PNC3 Catalog Committee has updated their list of available items and prices. Members can access the order form by logging in and selecting PNC3 Items For Sale, then PNC3 Loose Leaf Catalog Publications.


2/22/23 - The March, 2023 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue and all past issues of Coil Line by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.


1/26/23 - The February, 2023 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue and all past issues of Coil Line by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.


12/26/22 - The January, 2023 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue and all past issues of Coil Line by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

12/16/22 - The United States Postal Service has posted a news release supplementing the list of stamps to be issued in 2023. Included is a new Presorted First Class coil picturing 4 different bridges.

John Himes has updated his new issue slideshow to include the newly announced stamps. Also added are issue dates for those stamps where the issue date is known. A PDF version of the updated slideshow can be viewed HERE. The new USPS announcement can be found HERE.


11/25/22 - The December, 2022 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue and all past issues of Coil Line by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

11/1/22 - The United States Postal Service has posted a news release revealing several stamps that will be issued in 2023 including a number of coils.

John Himes prepared a slideshow of the new issues that he presented at the PNC3 regional meeting at the SESCAL Stamp Exhibition on October 29. A PDF version of the slideshow can be viewed HERE. The USPS announcement can be found HERE.


10/26/22 - The November, 2022 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue and all past issues of Coil Line by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

10/18/22 - Join us for a PNC3 meeting on Saturday, October 29, 2022 at the SESCAL 2022 Stamp Exhibition from 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM. SESCAL will be taking place at the Glendale Civic Auditorium, 1401 N. Verdugo Rd., Glendale, CA 91207.

This year's meeting will be hosted by PNC3 Vice President John Himes. Door prizes will be given, and there should be enough to assure that everyone attending goes home with a nice item. Several informative talks are being prepared for the meeting. There will also be plenty of time for club members to ask questions about PNCs, as well as time for trading extra material at the end of the meeting. Visitors to the meeting are always welcome. Admission is free. Full information on the show is available at sescal.org.


9/26/22 - The October, 2022 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu button. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue and all past issues of Coil Line by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

9/15/22 - PNC3 Releases Values List Update The Plate Number Coil Collectors Club (PNC3) is pleased to announce the availability of the eighth edition of its Values List of plate number coils. This comprehensive and expanded listing contains values for Plate Number Strips of 3, 5, 7 and longer, as well as used singles and commercial covers for all issued coils since 1981, including many major varieties. Available to specialists in this exciting US specialty collecting area, it consists of 88 pages on three hole punched 8½ x 11 paper, and is available to non-members for $46 postpaid (ordering info below) and $36 for PNC3 members.

This expanded edition contains information on many previously unlisted PNC varieties not valued in earlier editions as well as a new section valuing PNCs with purple machine cancels used by the Postal Service for a short period of time in the 1980s. Other new sections include listings (unpriced) for Dramatic Die Cut Shifts and Table Top Die Cuts, which are specialty items recently tracked by PNC enthusiasts. Also included is a (unpriced) listing of imperforate and die cut omitted issues, many of which are priced in the main list. For the first time, used singles with wavy end die cuts are also listed (in the main section).

The order form for the Values List can be DOWNLOADED HERE or by request from Andrew Jakes, 6000 Riverside Dr. #R4402, Dublin, OH 44017, pnc3treasurer@gmail.com. Shipping will begin in mid-October. Payment can be made by check or PayPal.

AUGUST, 2022

8/24/22 - The September, 2022 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu bar. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue and all past issues of Coil Line by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

JULY, 2022

7/25/22 - The August, 2022 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu bar. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue and all past issues of Coil Line by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

JUNE, 2022

6/25/22 - The July, 2022 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu bar. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue and all past issues of Coil Line by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

MAY, 2022

5/31/22 - Election Results:

All of the candidates running for election to the PNC3 Board were unopposed. Accordingly, the following will compose the Board effective September 1, 2022.

Current President Tom McFarland will continue on the Board as Past President.

5/24/22 - The June, 2022 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu bar. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue and all past issues of Coil Line by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

APRIL, 2022

4/26/22 - The May, 2022 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu bar. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue and all past issues of Coil Line by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

MARCH, 2022

3/27/22 - The April, 2022 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu bar. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue and all past issues of Coil Line by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

3/2/22 - The PNC3 Catalog Committee has updated their list of available items and prices. Members can access the order form by logging in and selecting PNC3 Items For Sale, then PNC3 Loose Leaf Catalog Publications.


2/25/22 - The March, 2022 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu bar. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue and all past issues of Coil Line by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

2/12/22 - The club held a general membership meeting on Saturday, February 5th, via Zoom with over 40 members present at the peak of attendance. Presentations were made by Mel Borofsky (club treasurer), Frank Covey (new coil issues for 2022), Joe Sedivy (club auctioneer), John Himes (An Introduction to Gap Strip Collecting) and Robert Thompson (recent counterfeits). The Zoom meetings are well received and the club plans to schedule more in the future.

If you missed the meeting, a recorded video is available to watch below. You must be a member and logged in to view the video.


1/26/22 - The February, 2022 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu bar. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue and all past issues of Coil Line by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.


12/30/21 - Attention PNC3 Auction Consignors... The Auction consignment sheet for Auction 66 included in the January Coil Line has an outdated address for sending lots to Auctioneer Joe Sedivy. Joe's new address is PO Box 92, River Grove, IL 60171-0092. The consignment sheet in the electonic Coil Line has been corrected. Consignors can re-download the issue, or the form itself can be DOWNLOADED HERE. The consignment deadline is February 15, 2022. Consignments will only be accepted from members in good standing.

12/28/21 - The January, 2022 issue of Coil Line has been posted under the 'Current Issue Of Coil Line' menu bar. Members must be logged in to see that menu selection.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  Members can also access the current issue and all past issues of Coil Line by logging in, clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".  Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.  Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

12/21/21 - Email to Webmaster... All email to the webmaster sent prior to about August, 2021 has been accidently lost. Anyone who has sent email to the webmaster and has not yet received a response, please resend it, either to the webmaster or directly to President Tom McFarland, whose contact information can be found on the Officers page.


11/29/21 - The December, 2021 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

11/24/21 - The November 18 issue of the USPS Postal Bulletin listed a number of stamps to be withdrawn from sale at all postal outlets effective December 31, 2021. Coil stamps on the list are the Seashells Post Card rate coil of 100 (USPS Item 749900) and the Flowers from the Garden First Class rate coils of 3000 (Item 755000) and 10000 (Item 760100).


10/30/21 - The November, 2021 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

10/23/21 - PNC3 Fall Auction... Attention PNC3 Members. PNC3 Club Auctioneer Joe Sedivy is extending the deadline to bid in the upcoming Auction #65 to November 12th. If you have not submitted your bids yet, please be advised of this 2-week extension for bidding, but also keep in mind that in case of a tie bid, the earliest bidder gets the lot. Please see the September/October edition of Coil Line for a listing of the lots available in this auction.

10/2/21 - Your Free Classified Ad... Did you mean to place one before 2021 runs out? November's Coil Line issue is in-work now. But you can contact editor Ron Blanks at rblanks_stamps@yahoo.com through OCTOBER 9th for that issue.

All members are entitled to two, 50-word Coil Line ads per year at no charge. Additional words or ads are charged at 10¢ per word. Please send ad copy via email address above.

ATTENTION -- If you submitted a classified ad after July 15th and it did not appear in the September/October issue, it was likely misplaced. Please re-submit.


9/27/21 - The September/October, 2021 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

AUGUST, 2021

8/1/21 - The August, 2021 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

8/1/21 - REMINDER - Auctioneer Joe Sedivy is taking auction lots for the PNC3 Fall Auction #65 until August 21, 2021. The auction consignment sheet in in this month's COIL LINE wrapper and can be DOWNLOADED HERE. Consignments will only be accepted from members in good standing.

JUNE, 2021

6/19/21 - The July, 2021 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

6/19/21 - Auctioneer Joe Sedivy is taking auction lots for the PNC3 Fall Auction #65 until August 21, 2021. The auction consignment sheet in in this month's COIL LINE wrapper and can be DOWNLOADED HERE. Consignments will only be accepted from members in good standing.

MAY, 2021

5/15/21 - The May/June, 2021 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

MARCH, 2021

3/31/21 - The April, 2021 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

3/13/21 - The club held the second general membership meeting on Saturday, March 6th, via Zoom with 34 members present at the peak of attendance. The board members were introduced and other members in attendance introduced themselves. Presentations were made by Mel Borofsky (club treasurer), Frank Covey (new coil issues for 2021), Joe Sedivy (club auctioneer), John Himes (2015 Penguins stamp and 2017 Flag Forever counterfeit) and Robert Thompson (counterfeits and how the Scott Catalogue lists them.) The club plans to schedule more Zoom meetings in the future, possibly on a regular basis.

If you missed the meeting, a recorded video is available to watch below. You must be a member and logged in to view the video.


2/27/21 - The March, 2021 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".


1/23/21 - The February, 2021 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".


12/26/20 - The January, 2021 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

12/12/20 - The club held our first-ever virtual PNC3 Membership Meeting via Zoom. It was a success as we had 37 members online. There were a number of scheduled presentations and the membership provided other topics for discussion.

If you missed the meeting, a recorded video is available to watch below. You must be a member and logged in to view the video. Plans are in the works for another Zoom meeting in March, 2021.


11/20/20 - The December, 2020 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

11/5/20 - The problem with the Members Login and membership area has been resolved. If members encounter a problem logging in, please notify the Webmaster.

11/5/20 - The PNC3 Members Login and membership area is currently down. The Webmaster is working to resolve the issue(s) and will post an update here when it is back up and working. Thank you in advance for your patience!


10/20/20 - The November, 2020 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

10/4/20 - PNC3 Auction 63 is well underway. Download a copy of the Official Auction Bid Sheet here. Good luck with your bids!


9/20/20 - The October, 2020 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

AUGUST, 2020

8/20/20 - The September, 2020 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

JULY, 2020

7/20/20 - The August, 2020 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains a Fall Auction Consignment Sheet. Auction lots 'must' be in the hands of the auctioneer by August 20th.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".


Election Results The voting period for election of Board members has closed. The postmark deadline for ballots was July 1. There were 81 valid ballots received and the results are as follows:

Thanks to Ed Wigger for serving as the Ballot Committee chair.


The following email was received yesterday. IT WAS NOT sent by our President, Tom McFarland. If you should happen to get an email similar to this one, DO NOT REPLY TO IT. The return email does not belong to Tom, but a scammer. (Jill's email address below has been altered for this notice.)

From:  "Thomas McFarland" <presidentexecutive41@gmail.com>
To:  jillrambrose@zoontown(dot)com
Sent:  Monday, July 13, 2020 9:31:51 AM
Subject:  Urgent

Good Morning Jill R,

How are you today? I have a very tight schedule today at work and my niece's birthday is today. Can you please help me purchase some giftcards? I would reimburse you later as soon as I get back home?

JUNE, 2020

6/20/20 - The July, 2020 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains a Fall Auction Consignment Sheet. Auction lots 'must' be in the hands of the auctioneer by August 20th.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

MAY, 2020

5/20/20 - The June, 2020 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains an Election Ballot for Officers. The ballot must be postmarked by July 1, 2020, and sent to the Ballot Committee by mail.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".


Once again, suspicious emails are being sent to club members. This time the emails are supposedly from club Treasurer Mel Borofsky. Of those about which I have specific information, the email asks if you have an Amazon account. If you reply in the affirmative, a second email asks for assistance in purchasing a gift card. Previous scam emails have been sent to those club officials whose contact information appears on the club web site, but this time it appears that other members are being contacted. If you receive such an email, even if it appears to be from Mel's real email address, DO NOT REPLY. But I (Tom McFarland) would appreciate being informed so we can get an idea of how widespread the scam attempt is. As we've mentioned in the past, no club official would ever ask a member for money in any form.

5/9/20 - John Himes and Dan Forgues have agreed to conduct a census of the Scott 4894-4897 Red, White, & Blue Flag strip with plate number C11 or C12 that glows bright yellow-green under short wave UV light. The census also applies to the single Scott 4896 used PS1s with those same plate numbers. These stamps normally glow a bright white color under short wave UV light, and those are fairly common. But the ones that glow yellow-green appear to be quite rare, and some have been selling on eBay for in excess of $500.00. John and Dan are trying to understand how rare these yellow-green glowing copies are, in reality.

If you have a copy of a plate number strip or used PS1 of either plate number with the bright yellow-green tagging, John and Dan request that you send a high-resolution scan to them at

johnwhimes@yahoo.com pnc3nv@aol.com

A high resolution scan is preferred, but if you don't have the ability to scan the stamp(s), then you can send a high resolution photocopy to John Himes, P.O. Box 453, Cypress, CA 90630-0453.

We will catalog the copies reported and start building a census, and we'll report the results of the census periodically in Coil Line.

A scan of one is shown below. Also shown is a scan of the same stamp next to a normal white glowing stamp for comparison.



John (and Dan)

APRIL, 2020

4/20/20 - COIL LINE CORRECTION - In the May 2020 issue of COIL LINE, page 59, the article "A Salute to Die Cut Styles" by Dan Forgues included an incorrect closeup image of Style "Dttr", Type 2. The corrected image is displayed below (click on the image to view a larger image showing greater detail).


4/20/20 - The May, 2020 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains the Spring Auction results.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

MARCH, 2020

3/28/20 - 2019 Flag P2222.

In the Linn's Stamp News issued today (dated April 13, 2020), there is an article citing the March Coil Line as the source of information about the new Flag B2222. As a result of our report in Coil Line, Linn's contacted the USPS, and the USPS confirmed that P2222 has also been printed, but they stated that they were not sure if any had been distributed yet. They cited the reason for this change as the fact that no new Forever (coil) stamps have been announced for 2020, so they need to go back for second printings, and instructed the printers to change the plate numbers for the second printing. They do not mention if Scott will assign a different catalog number for the new stamps (or a sub-type number).


Please be on the lookout for P2222 on the 2019 Flag coil stamp, and report the find and the location to an officer or a catalog committee member of PNC3. The new number has also been reported to exist on the 2019 Flag booklets. Thanks.

3/20/20 - The April, 2020 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains an order form from the Catalog Committee for new publications and re-offered publications. This order form was also published last month.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

3/14/20 - The Regional Meeting scheduled on April 25, 2020, at the Plymouth Show in Michigan has been cancelled. The Plymouth Show Committee notified our meeting facilitator, Jill Ambrose, that the show has been cancelled because of concerns over the Coronavirus. Please disregard the article that will appear in the April issue of Coil Line.


2/24/20 - On Friday, 2/21, the new Orchids coil stamps were issued. The rolls come in an odd configuration of 10 designs with a repeat every 27 stamps. It's broken up on the roll as 10 different designs, then a repeat of those same 10 different designs, then a repeat of designs 4 through 10. Thus, it's not possible to collect a PS11 or PS21 with true symmetry. The Scott Catalogue Editors have ruled today (Monday, 2/24) that they will list a plate number strip of 10 with the plate number on stamp #9 in the strip as the standard collecting configuration. They will also list a strip of 17 with the plate number stamp centered on the strip. However, that strip will be too long to mount on an album page and will not be truly symmetrical. Scott will only make room for the PS10 in their album pages. Most collectors will prefer to collect the strip of 10 with the plate number in position 9. Click on the link below to read the full text of the Scott Editors' comments.


2/20/20 - The March, 2020 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains the Spring Auction Bid Sheet. Bids 'must' be in the hands of the auctioneer by Tuesday, March 31st. There is also an order form from the Catalog Committee for new publications and re-offered publications.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".


1/20/20 - The February, 2020 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section
of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

1/17/20 - Plate number B2222 has been found on the U.S. Flag issue of 2019 (printed by Banknote Corporation of America) in a few post offices in North Carolina. It seems likely that it should be in more locations. Given the USPS policy of changing plate numbers only when some other aspect of production changes, there is probably some difference between the stamps from plate numbers B1111 and B2222. Any member who has found B2222 and has examined the stamps is encouraged to report their findings to the Catalog Committee at catalog@pnc3.org.



12/22/19 - The January, 2020 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains an Auction Consignment Sheet. January 23, 2020 is the Auction Consignment deadline.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".


11/22/19 - The December, 2019 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains a Dues Renewal Form to use if you have not already sent in your renewal.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".


10/22/19 - The November, 2019 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains a Dues Renewal Form, a Revised Bylaws Ballot, and an Order Form from the Catalog Committee.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

10/6/19 - The mark-up copy of the "Proposed Revised ByLaws' has been posted in the Member area. To view the page, log in to your member account and click on the 'PNC3 Membership' button and then click on the 'Proposed Bylaws Revision' button. Note that Proposed Changes to the Bylaw document are highlighted in yellow.


9/30/19 - Caution! Flag Over Porch PNCs Mispriced in Scott Catalogue!

Be aware that pricing in the 2019 (and 2020) Scott Catalogue for Scott 2915A has some major errors. Sellers on eBay are taking advantage of this pricing error to charge inflated prices for common PNC strips. The problems are summarized as follows:


Note that there are anomalies in the used PS1 prices, as well.

The Scott Catalogue editors have been informed of this issue and have responded as follows:"We will review the Flag Over the Porch coil listings for the 2021 edition of the Scott Specialized Catalogue of U.S. Stamps and Covers to be published in October 2020." Obviously, it's too late in the publication cycle for Scott to correct this for the 2020 Catalogue, which has already been published.

Until the Scott Catalogue clarifies these prices, beware of paying an outrageous price for what is indeed a common strip or used single.

Be sure you check the PNC3 Values List rather than the Scott Catalogue when pricing Scott 2915A until further notice.

9/20/19 - The October, 2019 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains the Fall Auction Bid Sheet. Bids 'must' be in the hands of the auctioneer by Tuesday, October 29th.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".


8/25/19 - The September, 2019 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

JULY, 2019

7/21/19 - The August, 2019 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains a Fall Auction Consignment Sheet. Auction lots 'must' be in the hands of the auctioneer by Saturday, August 17th.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

JUNE, 2019

6/24/19 - The July, 2019 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains a Fall Auction Consignment Sheet. Auction lots 'must' be in the hands of the auctioneer by Saturday, August 17th.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

MAY, 2019

5/20/19 - The June, 2019 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

APRIL, 2019

4/21/19 - The May, 2019 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

MARCH, 2019

3/23/19 - The April, 2019 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".


2/24/19 - Several new finds have been added to the "Purple Machine Cancels" listing, which can be found in the 'Reference' section.

2/22/19 - Recently a few Board members and other club officials have received an email, supposedly from club President Tom McFarland, asking them to wire a sum of money for some unspecified club business. THIS IS A SCAM. The sender apparently spoofed Tom's email address as the sender and used other email addresses from our web site as targets to send the request for money. We're putting this warning here in the unlikely event that other members receive a similar request. Repeat, it is a scam. No officer of the club would ever ask that money be sent this way.

2/20/19 - The March, 2019 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains a Spring Auction Bid Sheet. Bids 'must' be in the hands of the auctioneer by Saturday, March 30th. There is also an order form from the Catalog Committee for new publications and re-offered publications.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".

Star Ribbon Stamp

In late January the United States Postal Service announced another new coil stamp to be issued this year. Dubbed by USPS as the Star Ribbon, this Forever First Class rate stamp depicts a five-pointed star made of folded red, white and blue striped ribbon on a white background. It will be issued March 22 in coils of 10,000 for use by business mailers. A pane of 20 is also planned.


1/21/19 - The February, 2019 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".


12/25/18 - The January, 2019 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains a Membership Information update and Dues Renewal Form. Please user this form if you have not already paid your 2019 dues..
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".


11/25/18 - The December, 2018 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains a Membership Information update and Dues Renewal Form, plus the latest Auction Results, plus an Auction Consignment Form for the spring auction. Deadline for consignments is January 15, 2019.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years. Access past Coil Line issues by clicking the "Reference" button on the left, and then clicking "Coil Line Archives".


10/25/18 - The November, 2018 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains a Fall Auction Bid Sheet for late bidders. Bids 'must' be in the hands of the auctioneer by Wednesday, October 31st. There is also a 'One Time' order form from the Catalog Committee for past 'Annual New Issues' reprints.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.


9/30/18 - The October, 2018 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains the Fall Auction Bid Sheet. Bids 'must' be in the hands of the auctioneer by Wednesday, October 31st.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.


8/25/18 - The September, 2018 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains a list, on the inside of the front page, of the new officers who will take office on September 1, 2018.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.

JULY 2018

7/25/18 - The August, 2018 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains an 'Auction Consignment Sheet' for the fall auction. The deadline for submitting auction lots is August 18, 2018.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.

JUNE 2018

6/25/18 - The July, 2018 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains an 'Auction Consignment Sheet' for the fall auction. The deadline for submitting auction lots is August 18, 2018.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.

MAY 2018

5/26/18 - The June, 2018 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.

APRIL 2018

4/26/18 - The May, 2018 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.

MARCH 2018

3/25/18 - The April, 2018 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains an order form for Catalog Committee Publications.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.


2/26/18 - The March, 2018 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains the lots for the Spring Auction, plus a bid sheet and an order form for Catalog Committee Publications. All auction bids MUST be in the hands of the Auction Director by Sunday, March 31, 2018.
Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.


1/23/18 - The February, 2018 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.


12/26/17 - The PNC3 club meeting at the ORCOEXPO Stamp Show will be held on Saturday, January 13th from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Hotel Fullerton. The hotel is located at 1500 South Raymond Dr., Fullerton, California 92831. To get there, exit the CA-91 freeway at Raymond Dr., go north one block, then turn right on E. Burton St. Show hours are Friday and Saturday, 10: a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

More information is available on the show's website at http://www.stampshows.com/fullerton_sp.html. Admission and parking are free.

If you need any additional information, feel free to contact John Himes or Jeff Haas:
John Himes: johnwhimes@yahoo.com / 714.826.8552 (H)
Jeff Haas: jhconsult@yahoo.com / 949.219.3179 (W)

12/22/17 - The January, 2018 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.


11/24/17 - The December, 2017 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains an 'Auction Consignment Sheet' for the Spring auction, and a Dues Renewal Form. The deadline for submitting auction lots is January 13, 2018. ALL members, including Life Members, are encouraged to send in the dues renewal form asap, unless you have already done so. The dues for 2018 have been reduced for those members receiving Coil Line electronically.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.

11/1/17 - A new counterfeit stamp has been found on eBay. This time a coil issue after the 2017 U.S. Flag Stamp. The labels on the rolls are marked “BCA”, but the label on the tray of 50 rolls is marked “APU”. In the image, the real strip is on top. When comparing the two strips, it is obvious that the fake strip is wider. The counterfeit stamps are 1.0 mm wider than the BCA stamps. The coils and wrappers are also wrapped the wrong way. I will have more information about these stamps in an upcoming issue of Coil Line.

Submitted by Robert Thompson


10/24/17 - The November, 2017 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains an 'Auction Consignment Sheet' for the Spring auction, and a Dues Renewal Form. The deadline for submitting auction lots is January 13, 2018. ALL members, including Life Members, are encouraged to send in the dues renewal form asap. The dues for 2018 have been reduced for those members receiving Coil Line electronically.

Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.


9/22/17 - The October, 2017 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains an 'Auction Bid Sheet' for the fall auction. The deadline for submitting bids is October 31, 2017. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.


8/21/17 - The September, 2017 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.

8/7/17 - On September 1, 2017 the U.S. Postal Service will issue a Father Theodore Hesburgh First-Class Forever self-adhesive stamp in coils of 50. This item will only be available from Stamp Fulfillment Services in Kansas City. To order use item number 799400. The cost is $24.50 per coil of 50. The same design will be available in a pane of 20 stamps at your local post office.

8/6/17 - On August 16, 2017 the U.S. Postal Service will issue ‘Flowers from the Garden’ First-Class Forever stamps with four designs in self-adhesive coils of 3,000 (Item 755000) and 10,000 (Item 760100). Strips of 25 with a plate number are now available from Stamp Fulfillment Services in Kansas City.

JULY 2017

7/24/17 - The August, 2017 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains an 'Auction Consignment Sheet' for the fall auction. The deadline for submitting auction lots is August 15, 2017. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Non-Members have access on the website to all Coil Line issues except the last three years.

JUNE 2017

6/23/17 - The July, 2017 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains an 'Auction Consignment Sheet' for the fall auction. The deadline for submitting auction lots is August 15, 2017. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.

MAY 2017

5/22/17 - The June, 2017 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.

APRIL 2017

4/22/17 - The May, 2017 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.

MARCH 2017

3/21/17 - The April, 2017 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains an order form for Catalog Committee Publications (This order form is a duplicate from last month). Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.


2/20/17 - The March, 2017 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the 'Current Issue' bar. This issue contains the lots for the Spring Auction, plus a bid sheet and an order form for Catalog Committee Publications. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.

2/12/17 - We have updated the 'Plate Number Coils Singles Album' pages. Corrections have been made to pages 55 and 131. These album pages can be found by clicking the 'Reference Tab' on the left.


1/29/17 - We are happy to announce that we can now include a link to Richard Nazar's publication, "The 1995 Plate Number Coil Catalog", and various other articles written by Richard. A button titled "Nazar Publications" can be found in the "Reference" section on the left. The link page to Richard's publications can also be found by going to Nazar Publications.

1/21/17 - The Febuary, 2017 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the Current Issue bar. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.

1/1/17 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

We are happy to announce that a 'power point presentation' on "PNC Singles, Rarities and EFO's" by Dan Forgues has been posted on the web site. To find the presentation, go to the 'Reference Tab' on the left and then click the "PNC Singles, Rarities and EFO's" tab. The power point presentaton is contained in eleven (11) pdf files.

We have updated the 'Plate Number Coils Singles Album' pages to include 2015 and 2016 issues. These album pages can be found by clicking the 'Reference Tab' on the left.


12/30/16 - We are experiencing some problems with the web site. We are currently working on the problem. It might take a day to correct. Please bear with us.

12/19/16 - The January, 2017 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the Current Issue bar. This issue has an Auction Consignment Form for the Spring Auction. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.


11/20/16 - The December, 2016 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the Current Issue bar. This issue, under the editorship of Vickie Canfield Peters, has the "Dues Renewal". If you did not do so last month, please print out the sheet and send in your dues while you are thinking about it. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.


10/21/16 - The November, 2016 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the Current Issue bar. This issue, the second under the editorship of Vickie Canfield Peters, has the "Dues Renewal". Please print out the sheet and send in your dues while you are thinking about it. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.


9/25/16 - The October, 2016 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the Current Issue bar. This issue, the first under the editorship of Vickie Canfield Peters, has the fall auction lots and a bid sheet. Bids must be in the hands of the Auctioneer by October 29, 2016. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. .

9/10/16 - A current Membership Application is available in the 'Membership' tab.

9/1/16 - The Officers page in the 'Membership' tab has been updated to show the current officers.


8/26/16 - The September, 2016 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the Current Issue bar. This issue has the announcement of a new editor. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.

8/3/16 - On August 19th, the U.S. Postal Service will issue a Patriotic Spiral First-Class Forever stamp in booklets of 10 and self-adhesive coils of 10,000. Both formats will be available nationwide on August 19, and will be issued formally that day in Falls Church, VA, in booklet format, and in Kansas City, MO, in the large coil format.

Starts Coil

This festive and energetic stamp design features 50 blue and red stars spiraling around a central gold star on a white background. The idea for the design was to illustrate a community of stars protectively orbiting a central star that in an abstract sense stands for our nation's steadfast idealism and hope for a more perfect union. Antonio Alcalá of Alexandria, VA, served as art director for the project with art and typography by Polygraph, a Washington, DC, design firm.

JULY 2016

7/26/16 - The August, 2016 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the Current Issue bar. This issue has an Auction Consignment Sheet on the wrapper. Consignments must be in the hands of the Auctioneer by August 27, 2016. This issue also has the election results. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.

JUNE 2016

6/25/16 - The July, 2016 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the Current Issue bar. This issue has an Auction Consignment Sheet on the wrapper. Consignments must be in the hands of the Auctioneer by August 27, 2016. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.

MAY 2016

5/27/16 - The June, 2016 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the Current Issue bar. This issue has the Election Ballot on the wrapper. The ballot must be postmarked by July 1, 2016. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.

APRIL 2016

4/26/16 - The May, 2016 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the Current Issue bar. This issue has a 'Call for Volunteers' at our club booth at World Stamp Show NY-2016 and the Spring Auction Results on the wrapper. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.

MARCH 2016

3/23/16 - The April, 2016 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the Current Issue bar.  This issue has a Catalog Committee Order Form on the wrapper. This issue also has a 'Call for Nominations' and a "Call for Ballot Counters"on the wrapper. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.


2/26/16 - The March, 2016 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website, under the Current Issue bar.  This issue has a Catalog Committee Order Form and an Auction Bid Form on the wrapper. The Bid Form must be in the auctioneers hands by March 31, 2016. Only members are allowed to bid in the auction. This issue also has a 'Call for Nominations' on the wrapper. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.


1/26/16 - The February, 2016 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website.  This issue has a 'Call for Nominations' and information from the Treasurer and the Editor on the wrapper. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.

1/17/16 - A 10¢ Red Pears denominated self-adhesive coil stamp was issued today in Washington, D.C., with no first-day ceremony. The stamps were issued in coils of 10,000. To accomodate collectors, an unfolded strip of 500 stamps can be ordered using item #799315 from the 'caves' in Kansas City for $50. The 10¢ Red Pears coil has the plate number S111111 every 27th stamp in the roll. The new 10¢ coil stamp shows two red pears with shadows.


12/26/15 - The January, 2016 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website.  This issue has an Auction Consignment Form for the Spring Auction. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.

12/11/15 - The following Coil stamp items are to be withdrawn from sale at Philatelic Fulfillment Services effective December 31, 2015, according to the Dec. 10, 2015 postal bulletin.
774400 -- Abraham Lincoln Memorial Statue Coil/100
786400 -- Tiffany Lamp Coil/10,000

12/10/15 - ATTENTION EXHIBITORS: Ohio's largest stamp show, the Garfield-Perry March Party (a National World Series of Philately Show), is holding its 126th annual show on March 10-12, 2016 and is accepting applications for exhibits. Go to garfieldperry.org, click on the "March Party" tab and select "Prospectus 2016" from the drop-down menu.


11/25/15 - The December, 2015 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website.  This issue has a Dues Renewal form. Please print it out and send your dues renewal in while you are thinking about it. This issue also has an Auction Consignment Form for the Spring Auction. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.


10/26/15 - The November, 2015 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website.  This issue has a Dues Renewal form. Please print it out and send your dues renewal in while you are thinking about it. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.

10/21/15 -The Plate Number Coil Collectors Club will hold a regional meeting in conjunction with CHICAGOPEX 2015, on Saturday November 21st, 2015 and will begin at 11am. The show will be held Nov 20-22 at the Westin Chicago Northwest, 400 Park Blvd, Itasca, IL. The meeting will be hosted by PNC3 member Kurt Albrecht. There will be a power point presentation of Dan Forgue’s “Errors and Varieties on PNCs” as well as time for show and tell and trading.

10/6/15 - At the Catalog Committee meeting in August at Stampshow, Tom McFarland was appointed as a new member of the Committee, serving as coordinator of the Values List. Tom has been added to the committee listing on the Officers page.

Scott Publishing Company has assigned numbers 5013 through 5018 to the new Spectrum Eagle stamps. A strip of 6 is 5018a.


9/26/15 - The October, 2015 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website.  This issue has an auction bid sheet for the upcoming fall auction. Also included is a full page showing selected auction lots. The deadline for getting bids to our auctioneer is October 27th. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.

9/19/15 - SESCAL will be held October 3 in Los Angeles, Calif. PNC3 club members will be meeting at 12:00 noon on Saturday, October 3, 2015 at the SESCAL 2015 Stamp Exhibition.

This is a wonderful get-together for those of us who live in the Los Angeles area or for those who will be traveling to the show. SESCAL will be taking place at The Hilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel, 5711 W. Century Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90045, phone (310) 410-4000.

The Exhibition will be held from Friday through Sunday, October 2-4. The PNC3 meeting will be hosted by club members Dan Forgues and John Himes. Door prizes will be given, and we should have enough to assure that everyone attending goes home with a nice item. Several informative talks are being prepared for the meeting.

There will also be plenty of time for club members to ask questions about their PNCs, as well as time for trading extra material at the end of the meeting. The meeting will be held in the Newport C room of the hotel. Visitors to the meeting are always welcome. Admission is free, and a special parking rate of $9.00 is available to show attendees. Full information on the show is available at www.sescal.org.

9/2/15 - Today, September 2, 2015, in Eagleville, MO, the U.S. Postal Service® reissued the Spectrum Eagle Presort First-Class Mail® nondenominated stamp (priced at 25 cents), in six designs, in a pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) coil of 10,000 (Item 788500). This is a new printing by Ashton Potter.


8/28/15 - The Plate Number Coil Collectors Club will hold a regional meeting in conjunction with MILCOPEX 2015, on Saturday September 26th, 2015. The show will be held at the Crowne Plaza – Milwaukee Airport, located at 6401 S 13th St. in Milwaukee. The meeting will be hosted by Michael Mules, club Vice President and will begin at 1 pm.

8/26/15 - The September, 2015 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website.

JULY 2015

7/27/15 - PNC3 member Tim Lindemuth, Manhattan, Kan., will be attending and entering his 20¢ Flag exhibit at the APS StampShow in Grand Rapids. He invites PNC3 members at the show to read and critique the exhibit's chapter on the coil stamp. He is writing a book about the 20¢ Flag's sheet, coil and booklet formats and would greatly welcome member input. He can be contacted at timlind@ksu.edu or by cell at 785-320-9001.

7/24/15 - The Annual Meeting of the Plate Number Coil Collectors Club will be held in Grand Rapids, MI in conjunction with the APS StampShow on Saturday, August 22nd. The DeVos Place Convention Center, at 303 Monroe Ave. NW, is hosting the exhibition. PNC3 will meet in Room D from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Also, the PNC3 Board will meet that Saturday morning from 9 a.m. to noon in the “Overlook G” room. Interested members are invited to attend .

The PNC3 Catalog Committee will hold a meeting on Friday, August 21st at the APS StampShow (announcement above), at 1 p.m. in room D. Though normally closed to non-members, this will be an open meeting for any member interested in possibly helping with committee activities. Upcoming needs are for members to help prepare the next Values List, and for assistance in assembling new chapters of the PNC3 Catalog.

7/23/15 - The August, 2015 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website.  This issue has an auction consignment sheet for the upcoming fall auction. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

JUNE 2015

6/26/15 - The July, 2015 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website.  This issue has an auction consignment sheet for the upcoming fall auction. Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

6/16/15 - Welcome to Harold Brown as the new club historian. Harold served for many years as the Coil Line editor. His contact information is on the Officers page in the 'Membership' button.

6/13/15 - The data bases for recent stamps have all been updated. The only items still missing are the Scott numbers for the <35¢> Coastal Birds and the <22¢> Emperor Penguins, and a few scans.

6/2/15 - Yesterday, the U.S. Postal Service issued two self-adhesive coils of 100 Forever stamps for the new Postcard rate and the Additional Ounce rate effective May 31st. The <35¢> value Postcard stamps feature four different Coastal Birds. The <22¢> Additional Ounce stamps feature Emperor Penguins.

MAY 2015

5/26/15 - The June, 2015 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

On May 15th we began the process of transfering the PNC3.org Domain name to the new web server. The site on the new server will look the same as it has been in the past.

Since you are reading this notice you now know you have reached the new server. Beginning sometime in June we will be implementing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) data encryption on the site. When that conversion process is complete the Web address will begin with HTTPS:// (instead of HTTP:// ).

Implementing SSL will provide you with a more secure website and allow us to provide even greater value to our members.

Updates to the site have resumed. We are sorry for any inconvenience you may have experienced.

Thank you for your patience during this time.

Your Web Team,

Allan  P. Clapp - Web Master Jill  R. Ambrose - Content Mistress

5/18/15 - On June 1, 2015, the Postal Service will issue five new nondenominated stamps for additional ounce rates. They are: for letters at <22¢>, first-class postcard at <35¢>, 1-ounce nonmachineable at <71¢>, 2-ounce rate at <71¢>, and a 3-ounce rate <93¢>.

Two of the new stamps will be issued in coils of 100.

The nondenominated <22¢> stamp inscribed "Additional ounce" showing two adult emperor penguins will be issued in panes of 20 and coils of 100.

Four different coastal birds will be pictured on nondenominated <35¢> stamps for the postcard rate. These stamps will also be issued in panes of 20 and coils of 100.

5/4/15 - A 'Plate Number Coil Single Album' has been added to the "Members Only" section of the website. A button has been provided in the 'Reference' section.

Frank Covey reports that "One can now purchase a partial roll of 10K Ferns issued March 27th. Item number 777315 gets you an “unfolded strip of 500”.

On or about May 15th, the website will be transferred to a different server. There should little to no down time during the change over. We are sorry for any inconvenience you may experience. Once the change over is complete we will be implementing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) data encryption on the site. Implementing SSL will provide you with a more secure website. Updates to the website will be limited until the switch over is complete.

APRIL 2015

4/26/15 - The May, 2015 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. This issue contains the results of the recent club auction. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

4/7/15 - A PNC3 Regional Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 25th at the annual Plymouth Stamp Show (sponsored by the West Suburban Stamp Club). For the fourth straight year the show location is the Hellenic Cultural Center, 36375 Joy Road, Westland, MI. Our Website Content Mistress, Jill Ambrose, will host the meeting. The agenda includes a time for socializing as well as trading, buying, and selling PNC material. As usual, door prizes will be awarded. The meeting time is 11 a.m., which is a change from last year and the announced time in Coil Line. The Plymouth stamp show will be held Saturday April 25th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday April 26th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

4/4/15 - Scott Publishing Company has announced the following new catalog numbers:
1¢ Bobcat with 2015 date - 4672a.
(10¢) Presorted Standard Stars and Stripes - Strip of 3, 4963a. The stamp with all Stars (which has plate S111) is 4962.

MARCH 2015

3/24/15 - Working with specialist Dan Forgues, the website has been updated as far as known Untagged Errors.

3/22/15 - The April, 2015 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the "Members Only" section of the website.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue, and all past issues of Coil Line through the "Members Only" section of the website. This issue contains a new Catalog Committee Publications Order Form. Since this form is different from the one published last month, a full explanation is provided concerning the differences. Members who have not yet activated their online account are encouraged to do so. Contact the Webmaster if you encounter any problems.

3/21/15 - PNC3 Member Dealer Mike Lipson announced that a new plate number, P2222, has been found on the <49¢> Star Spangled Banner Flag Forever Coil of 100 from Ashton Potter.

3/9/15 - A phone call today to Philatelic Fulfillment Services in Kansas City confirmed that there is no order number in the system for strips of 100 of the 3k and 10k self-adhesive 10¢ Nondenominated Stars and Stripes Presorted Standard stamps. Folded strips of 25 stamps are available.

3/7/15 - The data page for the 10k self-adhesive 1¢ Bobcat stamp with a 2015 year date issued on February 21st has been posted. Click the link to access the page. The data is now included in the menu on the left.

The data page for the 3k and 10k self-adhesive 10¢ Nondenominated Stars and Stripes Presorted Standard stamps issued on February 27th have been posted. Click the link to access the page. The data is now included in the menu on the left.

On March 27, 2015, in Kansas City, MO, the U.S. Postal Service will issue Ferns First-Class Mail stamps (Forever priced at 49 cents) in five designs, in a pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) coil of 3,000 (Item #786704) along with a reprint of the coil of 10,000 (Item #777304). The 3k coil has a 2015 date in the upper right corner of the stamps and the 10k coil has a 2014 date in the lower left corner of the stamps. Collectors wishing to order strips of 25 can use the following order numbers: Coil of 3,000 - #786703, Coil of 10,000 - #777335. Both the 3k and 10k coils will be printed by Sennett Security Products. A page with tentative data on the <49¢> Ferns from SSP has been posted. Click the link or use the menu on the left.


2/10/15 - Regional meeting at the APS AmeriStamp Expo, Riverside, California on February 14 at 3:00 p.m.

The APS AmeriStamp Expo will be held February 13-15, 2015 at the Riverside Convention Center, 3637 Fifth Street, Riverside, CA 92501. Show hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Admission is free. PNC3 club members will be holding a regional meeting at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 14 in Riverside Room 3. This is a wonderful get-together for those who live in the Los Angeles area or for those who will be traveling to the show.

The meeting will be hosted by club members John Himes and Dan Forgues. We’ll fill the meeting with interesting news about the PNC collecting hobby, spend time looking at the latest PNC releases, and hear about the latest finds. Copies of Coil Line will be available for guests. Door prizes will be available, and we’ll try to bring enough along to see that everyone in attendance goes home with a nice addition for their collection. Door prizes are solicited from member dealers for the meeting. We also encourage everyone to bring along a favorite PNC item to share with those in attendance.

PNC3 Website Content-Mistress Jill Ambrose will give a report on the recent additions to the website and have copies of the new “Star Flag” bound color booklet for sale. Catalog Committee Chairman Frank Covey will give a report on 'Things to Look For on the New Coil Issues', and give a demo on Printed versus Digital (Electronic) Coil Line. John Greenwood will report on 'What’s New in the Imperforate Coil Arena'. Dan Forgues will present 'My Latest Finds and 2915A FOP, The Complete Story'. John Himes will present information about what caused the “Ink Wisps” PS5 featured in the February Coil Line.

Further details on the three-day show are available at www.stamps.org

2/6/15 - On February 21st, the U.S. Postal Service will have a First Day of Issue ceremony for a third variety of the 1¢ Bobcat stamp originally issued in 2012. The stamp will be issued in self-adhesive coils of 10,000. The most notable difference will be the placement of the 2105 year date, which will be in the upper right hand corner margin. A data page has been posted with what information we currently have avaiable. It is not known if Scott Publishing will assign a catalog number for this stamp. Unfolded strips of 100 (order #786905) are avaiable from Stamp Fulfillment Services.


1/29/15 - The latest addition to the Items-For-Sale section are Official First Day Ceremony Programs for the 41¢ Beautiful Blooms Coil and Booklet stamps issued in Portland, Oregon on August 10, 2007. The ceremony was sponsored by the Plate Number Coil Collectors Club (PNC3) and the American Philatelic Society (APS) in conjunction with the United States Postal Service. A button has been added to the 'Items For Sale' navigation bar on the left.

There are 10 configurations available, including 2 with a plate numbet coil stamp, several with both coil and booklet stamps, and a couple of complete sets with all 10 stamps. Check it out at Beautiful Blooms Programs.

1/27/15 - The Items-For-Sale section now has the PNC3 Club Lapel Pin listed. You can get to the page directly at Club Lapel Pins. Other items, including the "Star Flag" booklet are also on the same page. The current Amazon "Star Flag" discounted price as of 2/5/15 is $4.11.

1/25/15 - The February, 2015 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the 'Members Only' pages of the website.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue through the "Members Only" section of the website. This issue contains the 2014 Coil Line Index and a full page ad for the "Star Flag" PNC3 Book described below, which is available through Amazon.com. The 2014 Coil Line index is also posted with the 2014 issues in the "Reference' section.

1/24/15 - Webmaster Allan Clapp has added some computer code that should make the web site easier to navigate for those people using Internet Explorer.

1/1/15 - A new feature has been added for 'Members Only'. Once you login to the Members Only section, you will be able to go directly to the current issue of Coil Line by clicking on the "Current Issue of Coil Line" button.

Star Flag Book  

Another new feature added today is a section for 'PNC3 Items For Sale' by the club. The navigation buttons are on the left.

Initially, there are buttons for a 'PNC3 Book - Star Flag', which is now available through Amazon.com, and a second button for a price list / order form for current Catalog Committee Loose Leaf publications.

The 'PNC3 Book - Star Flag' button can be accessed by anyone visiting the web site. The cover of our first bound color permanent catalog chapter is illustrated on the left. The list price is $7.00 plus shipping and handling. The printing and mailing is being handled by Amazon.com. The button will take you directly to the Amazon information page. Additional out-of-print loose leaf chapters are planned as bound permanent books.

The second button, 'PNC3 Loose Leaf Catalog Publications', is only activated after a member logs in to the 'Members Only' section. This button takes you to an order form for current loose leaf publications, some of which are in short supply. These publications have already been advertised in Coil Line. The list will be updated as new publications are released.

In addition, we are working on a page for Club Lapel Pins and a page offering the 'Beautiful Blooms Coil' First Day Ceremony Programs. These programs were prepared as part of the club sponsorship of the 'Beautiful Blooms Coil' First Day Ceremony in Portland, Oregon, back in 2007.


12/24/14 - Illustrated below are three different Stars and Stripes coil stamps that will be issued February 27 in Grapevine, Texas. The new coils are designated for use on presorted standard mail. The stamps will be issued in self-adhesive coils of 3,000 and 10,000. The three stamps probably will repeat in a continuous pattern throughout the entire coil. The proposed images show the text “USA” in red and “PRESORTED STANDARD” in a light blue along the bottom edge of each stamp. The "2015" year date is in the upper right hand corner. No word yet on the printer.


12/23/14 - The January, 2015 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the 'Members Only' pages of the website.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. Members can also access the current issue through the "Members Only" section of the website. This issue contains an Auction Consignment Form. The deadline for submission of auction lots is January 20th.

12/7/14 - Gene Trinks, Past President and Founder of our club, announced today that there will be a Regional Meeting February 21, 2015 from 10 till 11 a.m. at the ARIPEX stamp show. The club will also have a table at the show.

In addition, Gene announced that the show will have a First Day of Issue ceremony for a 1¢ Bobcat stamp on February 21st at 11:30 a.m. Reports on The Stamp Forum and confirmed by the U.S. Postal Service indicate a 10k self-adhesive coil with a 2015 year date. The printer is still unknown.


11/25/14 - The December, 2014 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the 'Members Only' pages of the website.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. This issue contains a repeat of the 2015 Dues Renewal Form for those members who have not already paid their dues. There is also an Auction result report.

11/18/14 -                               FRAUD ALERT FROM APS

 ALL MEMBERS PLEASE BEWARE: An individual or group has been reported to APS as using the name of past APS President, John Hotchner, in a scam requiring a substantial cash deposit (which is then stolen) as basis for help in selling a collection. Members should be on guard against any such offer. There is no circumstance in which a cash deposit for being bonded should be required to sell your collection. Mr. Hotchner is not associated with any commercial venture involved in buying or selling collections, and has no involvement of any sort with this scam.

PLEASE REPORT CALLS AND ANY INFORMATION: We are trying to gather as much information as we can in order to turn this over to the authorities.  If you have been contacted by these people, please call the APS at 814-933-3812 or email Complaint Manager Wendy Masorti and provide any details you have.  And if you have given money to these people, please be sure to contact us and provide details as we can use this information to build a case.  Even if you previously contacted APS regarding this matter, please call or email AGAIN so that we can properly document your information.  Several APS staff members have been receiving these calls and may not have collected all pertinent information that we are now documenting – so please call again as all calls are now being directed to our Complaint Manager, Wendy Masorti.

HELP GET THE WORD OUT:  Everyone please help get the word out on this so that fellow collectors are not taken advantage of.  Clubs please inform all your members.

Again, if you have any information please call the APS at 814-933-3812 or email Complaint Manager Wendy Masorti and provide any details you have

11/15/14 - I received an order today from the caves in Kansas City. I can now confirm the existence of plate C12 on the 10k coil of the Red, White & Blue Forever stamps. The new plate number is on a strip of 25 with order number 776503. I ordered 5 strips of 25 and 3 yielded an unfolded plate strip of 7, while the other two were plate strips of 5. I also ordered a strip of 100 which yielded plate C11. I'll update the data pages soon.

Red, White & Blue C12

11/10/14 - The results of Auction #51 are posted.


10/26/14 - The November, 2014 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the 'Members Only' pages of the website.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. This issue contains the 2015 Dues Renewal Form.


9/28/14 - (Revised) A new plate pairing on plates 9 and 10 on the 20¢ Fire Pumper (Scott 1908) in a roll of 500 has been reported by Michael Mules. The 9/10 pairing was previously known in a roll of 3,000.

9/20/14 - The October, 2014 issue of Coil Line has been posted on the 'Members Only' pages of the website.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

9/16/14 - The Spectrum Eagle stamps issued in 2012 have been found with plate V11112. The stamps are Untagged.

9/1/14 - The new Board of Officers takes over running the club today for a two year term. They are:

Robert Thompson, President, 12431 Golden Thistle, Houston, TX  77058. email:  rthompson@pncvarieties.com 

Michael Mules, Vice President, PO Box 267, Mukwonago, WI 53149. email: pnc5dealer@wi.rr.com  

Richard L. Beecher, Secretary, PO Box 4790, Blaine, WA 98231-4790. email:  richardlater@aol.com  

John Himes, Treasurer, PO Box 453,  Cypress, CA  90630-0453. email: johnwhimes@yahoo.com  

Gene Trinks, Past President, 16415 W. Desert Wren Ct, Sur-prise, AZ  85374. email:  gctrinks@cox.net

Jill Ambrose, At Large, PO Box 54622, Cincinnati, OH  45254-0622. email:  jillambrose@zoomtown.com 

Melvyn Borofsky, At Large, 101 West Sterling Way, Leesburg, FL  34788-2781. email:  melborofsky@comcast.net 


8/27/14 - The September, 2014 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

8/23/14 - Michael Mules reports that he has found plate P2222 on the 1¢ Bobcat Self-Adhesive stamp.

8/14/14 - Next Week, on Saturday, August 23rd, PNC3 will hold the Annual Board Meeting at 9 a.m. and the General Membership Meeting at 4 p.m. Both meetings will be held during the APS StampShow in Hartford, CT. The venue is the Connecticut Convention Center, 100 Columbus Boulevard, in downtown Hartford. The show runs August 21 to 24. Admission is free, but you will need to register at the show.

Our booth on the bourse floor will be #SS. The Board meeting, which is open to all members will be in room 17 at 9 a.m.. The General Membership Meeting will be in room 24 at 4 p.m. Installation of new Board Members will take place during the meeting.

There will be 2 PNC exhibits: One on EFO's by Robert Thompson and another on Covers by Rob Washburn. There will also be an exhibit on Postal Forgeries, including many modern ones, presented by Joann Lenz and John Hotchner.

8/1/14 - Rob Washburn announces that he has a new website at www.modcoverguy.com.

JULY 2014

7/24/14 - The August, 2014 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. This issue has a Consignment Sheet for the Autumn Auction. Deadline for submissions is August 16, 2014. This issue also contains the Election Results.

JUNE 2014

6/24/14 - The July, 2014 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. This issue has a Consignment Sheet for the Autumn Auction. Deadline for submissions is August 16, 2014.

6/18/14 - PNC3 Member Dealer Mike Lipson announced today the discovery of Plate P3333 on the (5c) Art Deco Bird Stamp. The new plate number was found on cover.

6/3/14 - Scott Publishing Company has announced that the <49¢> Red, White and Blue Flag Forever Coil of 10,000 from CCL Label, Inc., issued April 25th, has been assigned Scott Numbers 4894, 4895, 4896 and 4897. A strip of 4 stamps is 4897a. The stamp with the plate number, showing Four full stars is 4896.

MAY 2014

5/23/14 - The June, 2014 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. This issue has the Ballot for the Election of Officers and Board members. Please print out a copy of the ballot and send it to the Ballot Committee by July 1, 2014.

5/19/14 - Scott Publishing Company has announced that the <49¢> Star Spangled Banner Flag Forever Coil of 100 from Sennett Security, issued March 3rd, has been assigned Scott # 4868. The number has been added to the Data page and incorporated into the Master List data pages.

5/10/14 - On April 25th, the USPS issued a Red, White and Blue Flags coil of 10,000. The data page is now posted.

5/8/14 - Below are the item numbers for the unfolded strips of 100 in boxes that can be purchased from the KC Caves.

Item No.      Description

790005    49c Ferns 3K roll
790805     49c Ferns 10K roll
777305     Forever Ferns 10K roll
776505     Red, White and Blue 10K roll

All of the above numbers are included in the respective data pages.

APRIL 2014

4/25/14 - The May, 2014 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. This issue has a Catalog Order Form and the spring Auction Results.

The United States Postal Service is issuing today a coil of 10,000 stamps which they have named 'Red, White and Blue'. There are four different flag designs. I have confirmed that the order number for an unfolded strip of 100 is 776505.

4/22/14 - The results of Auction #50 are posted. Note that any unsold lot can still be bought at the minimun starting bid for the next two weeks. Contact Joe Sedivy ASAP by email (PNC3auctions@aol.com) if you are interested in any of the unsold lots.

4/21/14 - The list of Purple Machine Cancels in the 'Reference Section' has been updated with the addition of "Tagging Omitted" examples discovered by Dan Forgues. The stamps are pictured on page 92 of the July, 2013 issue of Coil Line. Coil Line issues of the last three years are only available online to members.

Membership chairman, Mike Conway recently uploaded a PNC promotional video to YouTube. You can find it at PNC3 on YouTube.

MARCH 2014

3/22/14 - The following is an addition to the Glossary. We will be using this convention in all PNC3 publications in the future.

Caret - < >

Carets are used to identify the original issue price of 'Forever' stamps. In this way, the price is distinguished from the permanent value of 'Service Inscribed Stamps', which are designated by parentheses.

3/22/14 - The April, 2014 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. This issue contains a Catalog Order Form.

3/18/14 - Both new coils issued in March, the (49¢) Star Spangled Banner Flag Forever Coil of 100 from Sennett Security and the (49¢) Ferns Forever Coil of 10,000 from CCL Label have been posted in the 2014 New Issues section, within the 'PNC Data' section. In addition, the Flag Coil is listed in the Flags category and the Fern Coil is listed in the Fauna & Flora category. At this time neither have a stamp illustrated. I'm waiting to receive my shipment. I confirmed yesterday that the Ferns can be ordered in Unfolded Strips of 100. The order number is 777305.

3/16/14 - An addition, shown below, was made to the Glossary, in the 'Reference' section, concerning the company which bought the Avery Dennison stamp printing division.


CCL Industries is the company that bought Avery's stamp printing division. It was originally founded in Toronto in 1951 as Connecticut Chemicals Limited. The company currently has three divisions, CCL Design, CCL Label and CCL Container. Its stock symbol on the Toronto Exchange is CCL. When CCL purchased Avery's stamp printing division in 2013, it employed approximately 9,800 people in 87 production facilities in 25 countries on five continents. Their corporate offices are in Framingham, Massachusetts and Toronto.


CCL Label is the division of CCL Industries that is now printing U. S. Postage Stamps. They are using the prefix "C" before the plate number.

3/12/14 - A major upgrade has been made to the 'Listed By Year' category of the 'List of PNC Data Pages' in the 'PNC Data' menu buttons. All of the years, from 1981 to the present, now have the stamps listed that were issued during those years. The stamps are also listed in the appropriate topical sub-categories. With a project this large, there are bound to be typos. Please let us know if you find anything listed incorrectly. 

3/1/14 - All of the data pages for all the new coil stamps issued so far this year have been posted. Go to the navigation buttons on the left and click 'PNC Data'. Then click on 'List of PNC Data Pages'. After that click on 'Listed By Year', and then 'New Stamps 2014'. 


2/25/14 - The March, 2014 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. This issue contains the Spring Auction Lots and a Bid Sheet. Bids are due by March 31st. You must be a member to bid. This issue also has a new Catalog Order Form.


1/29/14 - In a last minute turn of events, the 49¢ Fern coil of 10,000 announced by the U. S. Postal Service as a forever stamp, actually has been issued as a denominated stamp. The first day of issue was January 27. Also issued yesterday, the 28th, was a 'Star Spangled Banner' stamp in coils of 100.

1/26/14 - The February, 2014 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

1/23/14 - Past President, Ronald Maifeld, was interviewed by Spotlite Radio host Marcus Edwards today. The interview runs 8 minutes and can be found by clicking the following: Spotlite Radio. After arriving at the web site, you need to go to the link that states "Spotlite Radio Presents Marcus Edwards & Guests on 1/23/2014". After that, click on the blue 'time' arrow (below the microphone), wait for it to load, and then find the 153.0 time slot near the right side. The interview begins there.

Membership chairman, Mike Conway recently uploaded a PNC promotional video to YouTube. You can find it at PNC3 on YouTube.

1/13/14 - On January 2nd, the United States Postal Service issued a reprint of the 4¢ Water-Activated Chippendale Chair stamp. The design's original printing was in 2007 by Sennett Security Products and had an S1111 plate number. The original printing had a 2007 date in the lower left corner while the reprint has a 2013 vertical date in the upper left corner.

The reprint from Ashton Potter has P1111 plate numbers every 24 stamps along the roll. The original printing had pink back numbers, but there are none on this issue.

It was issued in rolls of 10,000. However, unfolded strips of 100 can be ordered from Philaterlic Fulfillment in Kansas City (Item # 705605). The first distribution in small brown boxes has small hole perforations.

1/5/14 - The data page for the (10¢) Snowflakes Presorted STD 10K Coil has been posted.

1/4/14 - USPS Ordering numbers follow for the Water-Actived Sennett Security Coils sold by Stamp Fulfillment Services in unfolded strips of 100.

* 1¢ Tiffany Lamp (2008) (3K Coil with back numbers) - USPS Order # 761505

* 1¢ Tiffany Lamp (Reprint 2011 - 2008 on stamp) (10K Coil and no back numbers) - USPS Order # 786405

* 1¢ Bobcat (2013) - USPS Order # 789205

* 2¢ Navajo Jewelry (2011) - USPS Order # 788005

* 3¢ Silver Coffeepot (2005) - USPS Order # 782905

* 3¢ Silver Coffeepot (Reprint 2013) - USPS Order # 782915 - This has been reported with plate S2222.

* 4¢ Chippendale Chair (2007) - USPS Order # 785615

* 5¢ American Toleware (2002) - USPS Order # 778105

* 5¢ American Toleware (Reprint 2012) - USPS Order # 708105

* 10¢ American Clock (2013) - USPS Order # 784305 - This has been reported with plate S2222.

The following is a Self-Adhesive Ashton Potter Coil also sold in strips of 100.

* 1¢ Bobcat (2012) - USPS Order # 789105

Note: I ordered 8 strips of 25 (USPS Order #789803) of the (10¢) Snowflakes Presorted STD and received eight rolled, unfolded strips in a small box.


12/22/13 - The January, 2014 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. This issue contains an Auction Lot Consignment Form. Lots must be in the hands of the auctioneer by January 25, 2014.

12/7/13 - The PNC3  website now supports mobile devices!  Click on the 'Go to the Mobile Site' button on the left or use pnc3.org/mobile

Start getting your Auction Lots ready. PNC3 Auctioneer Joe Sedivy is issuing a call for lots for Auction #50. All lots must be in his hand by January 25, 2014. There will be an 'Auction Lot Consignment Form' in the January Coil Line

I'm happy to announce that Richard Nazar has posted his "1995 PNC Catalog" online. The URL is at Nazar Catalog. This link will take you to his site and then you can click on the catalog link. The catalog is in PDF format and is quite large and takes a while to load.


11/26/13 - The December, 2013 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. This issue contains a 2014 Dues Renewal Form.


10/25/13 - The November, 2013 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. This issue contains a 2014 Dues Renewal Form and a Catalog order form.

10/3/13 - The PNC3  website now supports mobile devices!  You will find the new site at pnc3.org/mobile.  This is the first time I (Allan) have built mobile support for a website.  So please let me know how I did and what I need to do in order to improve the system.


9/26/13 - The October, 2013 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon. This issue contains the fall auction bid sheet and a Catalog order form.


8/26/13 - The September, 2013 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

8/9/13 - Tomorrow, Saturday the 10th, PNC3 will hold the Annual Board Meeting at 9 a.m. and the General Membership Meeting at 4 p.m. Both meetings will be held during the APS StampShow in Milwaukee, WI. The venue is the Wisconsin Center in downtown Milwaukee.

8/8/13 - At the annual Media Briefing today held at the APS StampShow in Milwaukee, WI, the Postal Service announced their plans to issue a PSA 'Snowflakes' Presorted Standard rate coil of 10,000 in November.


Click on the graphic for a larger image.

JULY 2013

7/27/13 - The August, 2013 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  This issue contains an Auction Consignment Form that can be duplicated and sent in with your auction lots.

7/26/13 - After a week since going live with the revamped web site, we have fixed the majority of the broken links. We only have a few minor trouble spots.

Please note that the 2011, 2012 and 2013 issues of Coil Line have been moved to the "Members Only" area and will not be available online until we set up a password program. If there is an urgent need for a particular issue, please contact myself or Frank Covey.

7/18/13 - We are going live with the revamped site tonight. Since we have done a massive overhaul, expect some broken links. Please report these and we will get them fixed.

7/5/13 - Data pages for all of the coil stamps issued in 2012 have been posted.  I still need to upload pictures, but the data is there. The links are below.

Spectrum Eagle,    Aloha Shirts,    Weather Vanes,    Ashton Potter Four Flags,    Sennett Security Four Flags,   

Avery Dennison Four Flags,    1¢ Bobcat,    Set 6 - Flags of Our Nation

Data pages for the 2013 coils have been added.  Need Pictures yet, and some details are tentative.  The Links are below.

Kaleidoscope Flowers,    Apples,    Patriotic Star,    Ashton Potter, A Flag for All Seasons,

Sennett Security, A Flag for All Seasons,    Avery Dennison, A Flag for All Seasons,

1¢ Water Activated Bobcat (To be issued in August)

JUNE 2013

6/26/13 - The July, 2013 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  This issue contains an Auction Consignment Form that can be duplicated and sent in with your auction lots.

MAY 2013

  5/30/13 - The June, 2013 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  This issue contains an Application Form that you can share with friends and potential new members.

APRIL 2013

4/26/13 - The May, 2013 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  This issue contains an Order form for the latest Catalog Committee offerings, and the Auction Results.

MARCH 2013

3/25/13 - The April, 2013 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  This issue contains an Order form for the latest Catalog Committee offerings.

3/2/13 - Doug Iams reports that "I've had two reports of all 2's on the 3c Coffeepot and one report of all 2's on the 10c Clock".


2/26/13 - The March, 2013 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.  This issue contains a Bid Sheet for the Spring Auction, along with the listing of the auction lots.


1/22/13 - The February, 2013 issue of Coil Line has been posted.  Those members who elected to receive Coil Line electronically will receive the URL soon.

1/14/13 - A revised version of the club Bylaws has been posted at Revised Bylaws

1/5/13 -  Regional Meeting at AmeriStamp Expo 2013,  Louisville KY January 19

          Past President Ron Maifeld will host a PNC3 Regional Meeting at the American Philatelic Society (APS) winter stamp exhibition, AmeriStamp Expo 2013 in Louisville.  The meeting will be on Saturday, January 19, 2013 at 2:00 p.m.  We have room  L11 for two hours.

  The expo will be held Friday – Sunday, January 18-20 at the Kentucky International Convention Center, 221 South Fourth Street, Louisville KY  40202.  The PNC3 booth will be #Z.  If anyone can help staff the booth, please let Ron Maifeld know as soon as possible.

          According to the APS, the exhibition is expected to host approximately 75 dealers, over 300 frames of exhibits, and the meetings of about 25 national hobby societies.  For more exposition details, consult the APS website www.stamps.org or contact Barb Johnson, 814-933-3803 extension 217.\

1/9/13 - Rob Washburn announces his brand new website of mostly modern US postal history, especially tough to find PNC covers. It's www.modcoverguy.com.

OrcoExpo – Anaheim, Calif.    January 12, 2013

          It’s confirmed! John Himes and Jeff Haas will be hosting a PNC3 club meeting at the OrcoExpo Stamp Show on Saturday, January 12, 2013.  The meeting will take place at 4 p.m. in the Teak Ebony Room of the Embassy Suites, Anaheim South Hotel, 11767 Harbor Blvd. (one mile south of Disneyland, just north of Chapman Avenue), Anaheim, California 92840.  Both parking and admission are free.

          All club members are invited to attend, and guests are welcome.  If you need any additional information, feel free to contact John or Jeff:

John Himes johnwhimes@yahoo.com

714.826.8552 (evenings)

Jeff Haas jhconsult@yahoo.com

949.219.3179 (work number, daytime)

          As usual, we’ll try to make sure there are some great door prizes for everyone who attends.  We’ll discuss the latest news in the PNC world, and we’ll make sure there’s sufficient time for buying, selling, and trading amongst the club members at the end of the meeting.

          We hope to see you there!


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